
Exciting New Things

It is not big news, it is not super exciting news, but it is really fun news for me and it helps me put off packing for Costa Rica for a few moments longer. Also, currently, writting this is keeping my mind off of Alma. The tropical depression that is hovering over the region I am supposed to be flying into tomorrow. But that is neither here nor there and it has nothing to do with my super fun news (for me, remember?).

I have joined the daring bakers group! I have been poking around various cooking and food photography blogs (which all made my mouth water) lately and came across multiple bloggers who participated in the group, and month after month post something new and exciting was created. Yesterday I saw all the posts go up for their latest challenge and decided to get off my tush and join. My first challenge won't be until the end of the month (I think), but I am so looking forward to it.

A little about the group can be found here.

This should be a fun adventure and I look forward to my first challenge. Oh! And the best part? This counts as an attempt at #5 on my list and maybe I can fatten up that construction worker of a husband 'O' mine.

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