So much to do and so little time after procrastination to do it in. My fantastically boring life has been filled with me doing so much of nothing that I need to get a handle on it.
Things I need to do to bore you:
-Write about our Costa Rica trip...yes I know it happened over a month ago.
-Try to describe my love for photoshop and the amount of time I can kill on it editing photos
-Ask you how to get caterpillars to stop eating my veggies I have been working so hard on
-What we ended up doing about THE car
The list goes on, but I will spare you the details and let you just imagine what trival dribble will come out of this blog in the future.
One exciting thing to come out of this though, is that I am here to sing the praises of moo cards. I have been uploading so many photos to flickr that I was 205% past my monthly limit and throughly enjoy the website so I coughed up the 24.99 for a pro account (which totally makes me a pro right?) . Flickr eased the pain on my bank account by offering me 10 free moo cards. I have been eying them for quite some time so I just about peed my pants at the offer.
Well, a long week and a half later I finally got them in the mail and they are just as exciting as I thought they would be!
The only two problems that have come up with the moo cards are that a)You have to crop a very thin section of your photo which can be hard and b) I don't know what to do with them now that I have them
Any Suggestions?
Oh, and if you are just going to tell me to shove them where the sun don't shine, like I could picture some Hawaii obsessed dentist saying. SAVE IT. Already thought of it. WIN.
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